Town Faithful
The Town biennially hosts its Town Faithful celebration to acknowledge residents who have lived, loved and thrived in the Town for 50 years or more. It is a time to celebrate members of the community who have played an important part in shaping the Town into what it is today.
Who are the Town Faithful
The Town maintains a list of those who are known to it as long-term residents of 50 years or more. Please note that these don't need to be consecutive years, but 50 and over years residency in total.
What happens at Town Faithful
The event typically features a morning/afternoon tea with delicious refreshments and live music. Previous attendees have said that it was a wonderful time to share memories and stories of days gone by, to catch-up with old friends and make new ones too. Historic photographs from the Library's Local History collection are also displayed and the Mayor regularly attends.

Five framed photos on display (Reflections of the Past Nos. 2, 4, 8, 10 & 18) - 2020 Town Faithful.
Local History Collection, Town of Victoria Park Library Service (PH00035-08).

Maureen Walkemeyer (R) and daughter Anna, with a photo of Otto Walkemeyer as a boy dressed up as a baker.
Local History Collection, Town of Victoria Park Library Service (PH00035-47).

Enjoying afternoon tea to the music of the Astbury Ensembles String Quartet - 2020 Town Faithful
Local History Collection, Town of Victoria Park Library Service (PH00035-20).
The last Town Faithful Celebration was held on Friday 16 June 2023 (but this event was held off-pattern because of previous COVID restrictions).
The next Town Faithful Celebration will be held in 2026. With more details to come closer to the date.
How to get involved
We don't want to miss anyone off our list to attend, so if you are not sure if you are on our list, please contact the Library on 9373 5500 for advice.
Alternatively, if you've never heard of Town Faithful and would like to attend the next event, please complete the following online form: