Published on Tuesday, 10 December 2024 at 11:37:58 AM
It’s #TimeWarpTuesday and we want to share with you the lovely surprise donation received into the collection in late October. A couple living at number 58 Canterbury Terrace, East Victoria Park, were greeted by a lady who had once lived in their neighbour’s house at number 56 Canterbury Terrace. The past resident, named Lenore had lived with her Aunty (surnamed McKenzie) at 56 Canterbury Terrace, following the death of her mother. Lenore attended East Victoria Park Primary School and later Kent Street High School before her father remarried and took Lenore back to live with him and her stepmother in the USA.
So it was many years later that Lenore, came back to Australia for a visit, and was catching up with a school friend from Kent Street High School days and they both decided to revisit Lenore's childhood home in Canterbury Terrace. The day that Lenore knocked on the front door of 56, the current owners were not home. Lenore did not let this deter her though and decided to try her luck next door at 58 Canterbury Terrace. Finding these residents at home, Lenore was able to share her story and left the originals of these photographs for the current owners of number 56. What a lovely surprise when the home owners return!
In the meantime, the husband and wife residents of number 58 Canterbury Terrace, and temporary caretakers of the photographs, had a conversation in which the husband asked his wife: 'Why don't you see if the Library would like a copy of these photographs?' And we are thankful that the rest as is they say is history. Thank you Lenore for reaching back to the current owners of your childhood home with such a priceless gift, and a big thank you to the current residents of number 58 for sharing the photos with us. These photographs are such wonderful glimpses back in time, when Canterbury Terrace was but a sandy concourse, and there were little other houses or development around.
Do you have pictures of your home, or a building in Victoria Park and surrounding suburbs that you can share? We’d love to hear from you, and are happy to scan and return original photographs. Please get in touch at E: or P: 08 9373 5500 or make an appointment to drop in and have a chat.

PH00231-01 – Number 56 Canterbury Terrace, East Victoria Park, with Number 58 seen to the right.
Local History Collection, Town of Victoria Park Library Service

PH00231-02 – Number 56 Canterbury Terrace, East Victoria Park.
Local History Collection, Town of Victoria Park Library Service.
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